Alice's Random Website

My Political Views

A page about my views on politics, and social issues.

General views

I, politically-speaking, identify as left-wing and as a democratic socialist.
My favorite political system has never been established in mankind's history, but it would combine:

I do not label myself a communist, as I do not see any stateless society as possible or desirable in the foreseeable future, I think it is unfortunately too utopic an idea.

On social issues, I would label myself as center-left, as a moderate progressive or as a progressive conservative. I believe in social progress and justice, but I believe not all progress is good in nature. My approach is progressive, rather than libertarian: I believe the State should guide progress and help mitigate its potentially harmful consequences, rather than to have people simply be free to do as they wish.
I consider myself a patriotic person and believe in civic nationalism. I have pride in my country's accomplishments, and believe patriotism and pride in one's country should not suppress criticism and dissent, but should instead inspire to strive to make their land a better place for all.
Despite being distrustful of decentralization and the possible inequalities it may cause, I do support the preservation of local cultures and languages. Within my own country of France, I support efforts to revivalize and preserve vulnerable minority languages, such as Occitan and its dialects, Breton, Basque, Corsican and others.
I am distrustful of organized religion, which is too often a force supporting the oppression of minorities and the established hierarchies. I believe in a radical form of secularism, emphasizing the exclusion of all religion from the Republic (res publica) and its relegation to the private sphere, and I believe the fight against religious extremism and indoctrination to be of paramount importance.
I support a hypothetical socialist union of European (or even global) states. Free trade and trade unions cannot be supported under capitalism (as they lead to destruction of labor laws, widespread offshoring and unemployment, and benefit only the rich at the detriment of the working class). The European Union is furthermore corrupted by neoliberalism and free market policies, and should be disbanded or left as soon as possible. I do not believe reform can save it, though I would support progressive reforms.

Support for local political groups and personalities

There are pretty much no politicians in France I have a clearly positive opinion of. All of them have serious faults which, in my opinion, cannot be overlooked.
I supported Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the 2022 presidential election, as well as the NUPES coalition for the legislative elections. Had France used an electoral system eliminating the need for coalitions and tactical voting, I would have supported Fabien Roussel and the PCF, but I still have issues with them (not focusing enough on environmental issues, Roussel's campaign being a bit reactionary). Other parties and politicians I have issues with include:

Support for politicians abroad

Political tests


Written by Alice. Last update: 2022-08-11.